10. Yellow-Billed Loon
Yellow-billed loon is the largest loon bird in the world. Yellow-billed loons breed in Arctic tundra. They make nests using tundra vegetation in the shore of the mainland. This loon species spend most of their summer time in large tundra lakes. In winter season they migrate to Southern Alaska and British Columbia. They primarily feed on small fishes, mollusks and crustaceans.
9. Rock Ptarmigan
Rock ptarmigan is an Arctic tundra bird that inhabits in mountainous and hilly regions of the Northern Arctic circle. They possess different coloration between season. In Winter ptarmigans have pure white color. In summer season they have grayish brown plumage. This change in coloration help them to hide from potential predators. Their diet includes flowers, berries, buds and leaves.
8. Peregrine Falcon
The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world. They live in all around the world except Antarctica. They breed in Arctic tundra and in next winter season they migrate to South America by covering more than 15500 miles. Not all birds of the peregrine falcon family are migratory. Some of them choose a permanent breeding place.
7. Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Buff-breasted sandpiper is a small wandering bird with attractive coloration. Both male and female sandpipers have a pale brown body with black spots. The small bird also has an attractive straight black bill. The buff-breasted sandpipers breed in dry regions of Arctic tundra. In non-breeding season they migrate to South America.
6. Steller’s Eider
With a length of 45 cm Steller’s eider is the smallest member of eider family. They built nests and breed in Arctic tundra. Steller’s eiders spend most of time in rivers and large lakes of Arctic tundra. In winter season they form large flocks that contain up to 200000 birds and move to Bering sea.
5. Snow Goose
Snow goose is named after its beautiful white plumage. They breed in remote regions of arctic tundra. In winter snow geese form flocks of hundreds to thousands of birds and migrate to Southern regions of the United States. At the end of winter season they again return to Arctic tundra. They can swim and can maintain the body temperature within few days from hatching.
4. Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy turnstone is a small shorebird name after its habit of picking and flipping stones. Ruddy turnstone also a strong migratory bird. They breed in rocky regions of Arctic tundra. In winter they migrate to the coasts of Europe, Africa, North America, South Asia and South Pacific islands.
3. Snowy Owl
The strange looking snowy owls are breed on Arctic tundra. The female snowy owls are slightly darker than males. Snowy owls have keen eyesight and exceptional hearing. It helps them to catch the preys even in thick snow cover Snowy owls primarily feed on lemmings. They remain in the Arctic circle for all seasons depend on availability of lemmings. Snowy owls also migrate to the United States and Canada in winter season.
2. Snow Bunting
Snow bunting is an attractive Arctic bird. They build nests in rocky regions of Arctic tundra. During winter season they found in shores of lakes and ocean. In winter both male and female snow bunting has pale plumage with the blackish upper part. During breeding season the male bird is in black and the female is in grayish-black.
1. Arctic Tern
The small and attractive Arctic tern in known for undertaking the longest distance migration in the animal kingdom. They breed in Antarctic circle At the starting of winter season the Arctic tern flies to Antarctica. Although it is the start of the warmer season inn Antarctica.