We need supercars or superbikes to enjoy great speeds. But some birds are born as ultimate speed machines. The followings are 10 fastest birds in the world.
10. Canvasback – 73 mph
Canvasback is a diving duck that inhabits in Marshes and Swamps across North America. They have a wingspan of 34 inches. It’s a migratory bird. They start migration at the start of winter, towards the Great Lakes, located between the borders of U.S and Canada.
9. Grey Headed Albatross – 78.9 mph
Grey headed albatross is a large seabird that breed main in the South Atlantic sector of Southern ocean. As the name indicates, they have a bluish grey head and neck and black grey tail. The wind conditions of Southern ocean have a huge influence on the flight speed of grey headed albatross. They take advantage of strong Antarctic storms to fly faster.
8. Red Breasted Merganser – 81 mph
Red breasted merganser is a large diving duck. They found in large numbers in freshwater lakes and rivers across North America and Europe. Before the arrival of winter, they migrate towards Northern Canada and Alaska from the interior lands of North America. Great Lakes and marshes and wetlands of Northern Canada are the main breeding sites of red breasted merganser.
7. Spur Winged Goose – 88 mph
Spur winged goose is a large waterfowl found in wetlands across Africa. The spur winged goose is the fastest goose in the world. The spur winged goose is the largest one in the family of perching ducks. Still, it can fly faster than any other perching ducks in the world.
6. Frigate Bird – 95 mph
5. Eurasian Hobby – 100 mph
Eurasian hobby is a small member of the falcon family. They found in open woodlands, river edges and forests across Africa, Europe and Asia. Eurasian hobby is a long distant migrant bird. They migrate towards Central Africa and Southern Asia to spend the winter. They are also known for rapid and acrobatic flight.
4. White-throated Needletail – 105 mph
White throated needletail is a large swift that inhabit in the rocky hills of Siberia and Asia. They are also known as spine tailed swift. Spine tailed swift is the fastest bird in flapping flight. The spine tailed swift is a migratory bird. Before the start of winter they move towards South Asia and Australia. At the end of winter they return back to their breeding grounds.
3. Gyrfalcon – 130 mph
Gyrfalcons are known for their high speed dive and long pointed wings. Gyrfalcons are the largest falcon in the world. They dive steeply to catch the prey from great heights. Gyrfalcons also has exceptional control over their speedy dive. The dive of gyrfalcons includes many phases. They increase or decrease the speed by changing the position of their wings. The gyrfalcons have broad pointed wings.
2. Golden Eagle – 200 mph
Golden eagle is the largest raptor in North America. They dive upon their prey from the great heights. With the long, broad wings golden eagles can soar in the air for a long time. They also have a very strong vision and can spot the prey from great heights. Once a golden eagle spot its prey, the eagle dive upon the prey with an astonishing speed. With great speed of the dive and sharp talons they easily snatch up the prey.
1. Peregrine Falcon – 242 mph
Peregrine falcon is the fastest living creature on Earth. It is a most common bird of prey that found in every continent except Antarctica. The adult peregrine falcon has long pointed wings with powerful muscles. It gives them exceptional speed in flight. The stiff feathers on their wings also avoid chances of drag by the wind.